The Attendance Policy aims to take full advantage of teaching and learning opportunities to ensure student achievement is maximised. The school attendance policy aims to promote 100% attendance and punctuality in preparation for future employment and pathways.
The purpose of assessment is to provide timely feedback, as well as information about student achievement. Southport State High Independent Public School (SSHIPS) believes that assessment should be aligned with what students have learnt as well as The Australian Curriculum and Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) policies.
During the course of your children's school years, you may have cause to make a complaint about an issue with your child's education. Education Queensland is committed to ensuring that all complaints are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. There are processes and support structures in place to enable parents and students to work through any issue that may have.
The media consent form applies to any use, recording or disclosure of the Individual's personal information or Individual work, in connection with the Department of the State.
The Enrolment Agreement sets out the responsibilities of the student, parents or carers and the school staff regarding the education of students enrolled at Southport State High Independent Public School.
The school Student Resource Scheme ensures that all students have the necessary resources for their education.
The Student Code of Conduct is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour, so that the teaching and learning in our school can be effective and students can participate and engage positively within our school.
This form is used to update any student information. Complete the form and return it either to school administration, or via email to
The student School Uniform Policy consists of agreed items of clothing that Southport State High Independent Public School students wear when attending or representing the school, travelling to an from school and when engaging in school activities out of school hours.
Queensland schools have changed the way they report on student and school performance. These changes ensure: Greater consistency of reporting practice across all schools Queensland parents receive the information they need to help their children throughout their schooling and to make informed choices about schools.