



Yearbook Article - Deputy Principal

At Southport State High School we believe that education is a journey of discovery that lasts a lifetime. When our year sevens come to us we want that journey to be full of excitement, challenge, awe and wonder. At Southport State High School, we strive to deliver a rich and varied curriculum with a wide variety of activities allowing our students to explore and to gain an understanding of the world around them whilst at the same time discovering their strengths and weaknesses.  Each child is encouraged to think for him or herself and to continue asking that all-important question ‘why?’.

At the heart of everything we do at Southport State High School, lies care for each student as an individual. It is this care and engagement with your child’s learning that separates us from other schools.  More than that, though, we also value every students well-being and personal growth.

This year we have continued to set our aspirations high, not through a culture of hot-housing, but through the underlying principle of instilling a love of learning that will stay with students throughout the rest of their lives. We want our students to become competent learners who will go out into our complex and ever-changing world with the confidence and skills needed to make a positive difference. The philosopher Eric Hoffer said, “In times of change learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists”.

A genuine love of learning together with inspirational teaching in a caring and happy environment leads to exceptional results. This is what we strive to achieve for every student at Southport State High School and it is the essential ingredient that makes our school a very special place. Students and families we thank you for all that you have done and achieved this year, we look forward to another successful year ahead.


Yearbook - Principal's Address

2022 will go down as the year that returned to normality post Covid. It didn’t happen straight away, but by the end of the year we were pretty much back to normal school operations. Which is great as it has allowed us to celebrate the many and varied successes of the school and its students the way we should.

Once again, the students of Southport State High have achieved at a level never before reached at this great school. Each day they come in and amaze our staff with their intellectual prowess and humour. The community mindedness of these students is what sets them apart and what makes me believe that this community will be better because of them in the future.

This incredible success is a result of our dedicated staff. Every person in the organisation has the welfare of our students as the central driving force of what they do at the school. Many staff give up large amounts of their personal time to ensure our students have what they need to be successful.

We believe that schools are community builders and we have continued on our journey to position Southport State High as the hub of this community. Everything we do at the school is taught through the lens of our TORO values. Values that create decent, active and contributing citizens.  

We actively encourage our parents to be part of the educational relationship, so that our students get a feel for the importance of a great education.

We encourage our local businesses to partner with us through the Southport Business Alliance to provide support and opportunity for our students and we value providing world class facilities and curriculum to our students as they deserve nothing but the best.

Finally, what makes our learning institution great is the people. We are in the people game and so we always need to make sure that every student is succeeding and has the same opportunities as every other student. We aim to ensure that all our Southport students have the chance to reach their potential and set themselves up for a happy and successful future. I have a quote that I think sums up what we do here at our great school; we create opportunities.
“Don’t wait for the right opportunity: create it” George Bernard Shaw
Respice Finem: Look to the end result


Yearbook - Principal's Address

As the new Principal of Southport State High School, I am truly honoured to be part of this wonderful community and to contribute to the yearbook for 2023. While my journey here began at the start of Term 4, it's been an incredible experience getting to the school and having the pleasure of speaking with you. Together, you've embarked on a remarkable journey, and I am excited to share my thoughts with you as we celebrate this year's achievements.

Our school's motto, "Respice Finem," reminds us to look to the end result. It encourages us to envision the goals we strive to achieve and the futures we wish to create. As you flip through the pages of this yearbook, I encourage you all to reflect on the goals you've set for yourselves and the incredible progress you've made.

To our graduating class of 2023, this is a time of new beginnings. As you venture into the big wide world of possibilities, I want you to know that we believe in you, and we are proud of the remarkable individuals you have become. Southport State High School has prepared you not only academically but also with the values that will serve as your compass in life. Embrace the TORO values - Teaching and Learning, Ourselves, Responsible Relationships, and Our Community - and carry them with you on your journey. These values will guide you in every endeavour you undertake, making a positive difference in the world.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind each and every one of our students to take a moment to thank your teachers for the amazing year we've had. Our expert teaching team, in collaboration with our dedicated staff, has worked tirelessly to provide an outstanding educational environment that responds to your individual needs and talents. Their unwavering commitment to your growth and development has been at the heart of your achievements, and they deserve your gratitude.

As we reflect on this year, let's continue to embody the core principles of our mission and values. Southport State High School is committed to personal excellence, caring relationships, and a focus on individual success. Our values - Teaching and Learning, Ourselves, Responsible Relationships, and Our Community - underscore our dedication to learning, fostering a culture of high expectations, and nurturing responsible relationships within our school community.
We have strived to create a sense of community and belonging, offer a diverse curriculum, embrace flexible approaches, and willingly adopt new technologies to ensure that our students are equipped for success in an ever-evolving world. As a result, our school remains focused on individual achievement, genuine care, responsible behaviour and citizenship, education of the whole person, and leadership.

I am excited about the future of Southport State High School and the bright opportunities that await each of you. Let's continue to uphold our values and strive for personal excellence as we journey towards success and make a difference in the world. I wish you all a wonderful year ahead and remind you to always "Respice Finem" - look to the end result.

Thank you for an amazing year, and let's make the next one even more extraordinary!

Warm regards,
Mr Greg Morgan

Last reviewed 12 August 2024
Last updated 12 August 2024