The school Finance Office is located in the main administration building. This is where you can make payments for school fees, excursions and other services provided by the school.
Uniform and Cafe related payments are processed in the Cafe and Uniform shop located in F block, next to the main administration building.
Please note: ONLY students whose accounts are up-to-date OR on an active payment plan will be able to participate in extra-curricular school activities eg. Excursions, sporting events, ski trip, formal etc.
Opening Hours
Monday - 8.00am - 12.30pm
Tuesday - 8.00am - 12.30pm
Wednesday - 8.00am - 12.30pm
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Closed
Payment Methods
- Internet banking
- EFTPOS, cash, cheque via the Finance Office during the opening hours above.

QKR: A new payment platform available for download from Apple OR Google Playstore. QKR will be used to make payments for any activities that will not be invoiced – eg. Subject Levies, Fun Day etc.
Some Android users may not be able to download the APP, in this case parents can pay through the QKR Website Portal. You will need to login using your account credentials (QKR email & password).
Internet Banking Details
Account name: Southport SHS General Account
BSB: 064-430 (CBA)
Account No: 0009-0200
Reference: Student ID/Surname & Initial/invoice No.
Payment Plans
We offer customised payment plans utilising Centrepay, BPOINT & Direct Debit Bank Transfer. Please find attached forms and information on these options:
- Centrepay deduction form
- Direct debit deduction form
- BPOINT direct debit & BPOINT parent information
Financial Hardship
If you are experiencing financial hardship please don't hesitate to contact our Business Manager, Ms. Tracey Davis for a confidential meeting via email: