


Fact Sheet - 2000 - 2010

2000 IBIS (I believe in Southport)- Principal's Report Brian Streatfeild: "the best is yet to come for S.S.H.S"

  • Enrolments climbing 100 more students now 855 – 230 Year 8s – advantage two additional heads of department – Senior Schooling and Information Technology and Business Education
  • New subjects Technology Studies and Trade and Business Maths Year 11
  • 2001 approximately 60 instrumental music students to enrol into Year 8
  • Regular meetings staff and families Year 10 and 11
  • Development pastoral care program
  • School Council – instrumental in maintaining focus of development
  • Junior Dux 7 VHAs (4 students similar results – 2 young men)
  • Year 12 School Captain already cadetship law firm Gold Coast

Deputy Principal Kym Dickson:

  • Last 5 years -  mature learning institution – valued by community – positive change enrolment pattern
  • Sadly Brian Streatfeild saying goodbye – personally indebted – thanked Mrs Gwen Kelly Acting DP – 2001 Secondary Renewal Scheme – new Principal Mr Rob Stones and Mrs Ward
  • Further development Award Scheme
  • Growing connection feeder schools

P & C Address – President & Representative QCPCA Kay Weathered:

  • Small dedicated committee –Karyn Lingwood Treasurer, Barb Ward Tuckshop, Janelle Cross Uniform shop, Sunny Cameron Gaming Fund submissions - new seating in hall. QCPCA State Conference  in Cairns –voice and voting on policy and constitution changes
  • G.O. - Greg Cheshire – oversaw commencement Special Education Class
  • School Captains – Carly Weathered, Chad Trent fund-raised -$2000 – "shave off – Leukaemia Foundation" Saddened Brian Streatfeild leaving – brought many positive changes –caring attitude –determined school truly excel – proud achievements –contagious
  • Music Department 2 new staff – Mr Andrew Stubbs (Brass- also past student) Ms Deborah Body (percussion) Aaron Saxon professional musician also past student visited and tutored students-career skills
  •  School Musical "The Boyfriend –director Trevor Love–new HPE/Dance teacher/choreographer–Mrs D.Eales
  • Youth Health Nurse – Year 10 vaccinations and Australian Hearing Service –advice Manual Arts and Music students.  Oral hygiene –reminder Dental van isn't available Year 11 students. Qld highest sun cancers in Aust –slip slop slap

2001 YEARBOOK – New Principal's Report – Rob Stones: Year Book – part of history – magazines tell stories of school – changing times - 20 – 30 years be a feature of a reunion

Deputy Principal's Report - Ms Kym Dickson – "you never stop learning in a world of constant change"

  • Recognition Awards Scheme  - winning district showcase award
  • Introduction Environment Policy

P & C - President - Dale Thorne:

  • Tuckshop and Uniform shop another  wonderful year – thanks Barb Ward, Faye Kirkwood and Janelle Cross
  • Successful year with academic, music and art scholarships
  • Support – Summer School program – Arts Centre

School Captain's Report - Christian Ibraheem and Jessica Hallett

  • Formal committee to design Senior Jersey and successful movement for permission to wear daily
  • Fundraising  - Jeans 4 Jeans Day, Blood Donations, Daffodil Day and Shave Off – Leukaemia Foundation
  • Science Department - Introduction Science Electives in Year 9, Semester 2
  • New staff – Mr Hurford – Physics, Maths and Science, Mrs Barnwell (Biology, Maths and Science) Miss Langley (Science, Maths and PE) and Mr Townson (Science, Outdoor Ed and Maths)
  • Redevelopment 2 senior laboratories – expected completion start 2002
  • IT Department – another computer lab added this year plus proposed 2 additional labs 2002. Network being modernised part Secondary School Renewal project – all buildings connected to main network fibre cable –upgraded to 1giga-bit (very fast)
  • "Old" marine Education course replaced by TAFE-linked subject "Marine & Aquatic Practices"
  • Year 8 SOSE/English, as an integrated subject undergoing trial –looking positive. Economics course challenged 'wheeler dealers' in Stock Market game – 3 groups managing a gain on 10 week buying and selling spree
  • Music – Arron Saxon again tutored Contemporary Ensemble/Band plus performed first act of Musical "Archie and Mehitabel" with excellent vocalist Ricki-Lee Coulter. Reluctant goodbye to Music Teacher Ms Janet Want
  • Year 12 student's art work selected for exhibition in highly prestigious Minister's Award. Gold Coast High Schools combined exhibition called "Energies" ran from September-October celebrating youth excellence in art

2002 YEARBOOK - Principal's Report – Rob Stones: "Getting on in the real world"

  • Australian survey of employers most valued in employees good team members. Dr William Glasser, counsellor and educator claims unhappiness and distress result unsatisfactory relationships between people – better life accept others – one can only control own behaviour – possibly most important learning for most students
  • School trip to China – September holidays – understanding of learning in other cultures
  • P & C Report – New President - Bob Panter - Thanked hardworking and enthusiastic president Dale Thorne who left Gold Coast for  her contribution SSHS. Message to departing Year 12 students "follow your dreams and keep in touch with your school friends through good times and tough times"
  • School Council Chairman Soulis Kourtidis informed P & C about policy initiatives developed by student, staff and parent representatives
  • Finalisation renewal works funded by state government – Sports Centre, theatre facilities and computer additions – official opening 2003
  • New leadership structure – Head of Departments - Senior - Wayne Halford and Middle School –Ms Sam Pidgeon
  • Introduction dance as an elective for Year 9 – 12 students. Musical "What a Night at S.S.H.S. opportunity to showcase talents
  • Gifted and Talented students visited feeder schools promoting knowledge of life at S.S.H.S, demonstrated various science experiments and showed animals from school farm and marine studies area. Involved in Tournament of Minds in Social Science and Maths/Engineering problems – received University of Qld Spirit of Tournament Award for creativity, effort, kindness and teamwork

2003 IBIS - Principal's Report - Rob Stones:

  • Achievement, success and confidence –" Decide what you want … take responsibility…do the work"
  • It takes some students longer than others to learn that nothing is possible unless the time, energy and effort are spent on the work. It is never too late to learn

Deputy Principal's Report – Kym Dickson:

  • 2003 marks the exit of largest group Year 12's in past 8 years

Middle Schooling – Head of Department – Sam Pidgeon:

  • New projects Year 8 & 9
  • Extended PLC Programs
  • Students have access to tutorials, learning support and wide range teaching and assessment strategies
  • "Celebration" morning teas and special assemblies
  • Building links with Primary Schools –Orientation Visits
  • Established Southport Middle Schooling Cluster with 5 Primary Schools –share ideas and information -transition from Year 7 to 8 smoother
  • Smart Tasks – learning right up to end of year
  • MYSOT – Middle Years of Schooling Options Team –recommendations structuring learning in Year 8 in 2004
  • Open Day

P & C Assn – President Bob:

  • Introduction circus activities for grade 8 with "Trix" Circus – expected to become addition to curriculum
  • Circus training much similar to Moscow State Circus – involving every faculty: P.E., Drama, Visual Arts and Music, Manual Arts and Film and Television, Graphic Arts and Computing
  • School Council (Chairman Soulis Kourtidis) strategic policies and monitor aspects school community
  • Revitalisation Past Students & Associates Association – Elizabeth Maradeen Executive Officer
  • Tutorial Centre – Inaugural opening late 2003 – Aimed at students (all Year levels) who may benefit from extra support – volunteer service work one-on-one to build literacy skills and confidence. Volunteer tutors parents, Griffith University students and member of local community

Film and Television – Matt Blyth:

  • Growing – five large classes and 3 enthusiastic teachers
  • Animation productions

Business and I.T. – Head of Department Geoff Hodskiss:

  • Year 11 and 12 visited Griffith Uni – attended lectures –experience learning about workings of university and gather information various courses and career options
  • Business Educators Assn of Qld (BEAQ) guest speaker –advice re operation small business

Learning Support – HOD Ron Eyre:

  • Alternate programs of study Years 8,9 and 10 – small class settings, individual and small group tutorials and in class support
  • Small class groups Year 8 –English, Mathematics, Study of Society and Environment and Science
  • Year 9 and 10 English and Mathematics programs

Agriculture – Mr Steve Dillon and Chris Larkin (teachers):

  • 3 steers Toowoomba Ag Show – Gold Coast Show – animal nursery (3 days)
  • Animal nursery and students travelled to primary schools, kindergartens, Special Units, Arundel Fete, C& K Picnic in the Park, Polo and Country Club day, Child Protection Community Day – many events on weekends
  • Easter Holidays Nicole Wetherill (Yr.12) took part in FEAST UQ (Gatton Campus) (30 students across the State chance to experience University life while involved in problem solving activity
  • Challenge for plants to grow – water restrictions, wild ducks and cockatoos. The hydroponic lettuce, tomato production and plant nursery expanded to mass produce several varieties - ("Roona" the School Pig (the most fertile and beautiful sow in Queensland)

Marine Studies – Jim Townson (teacher):

  • Rejuvenation Aquaculture Centre –breed and rear red-claw, silver perch and barramundi throughout year.
  • Boating program expanded – more students can gain Recreational Shipmaster's Licence
  • Field trips – mangrove and eel grass communities in Broadwater using school fleet boats – documenting effects of pollution and abnormal tides on these communities
  • Night navigation exercise and camp on South Stradbroke Island – very successful
  • New unit study – world's oceans, coastlines, conservation and management
  • Establishment Classroom in Marine Boatshed
  • M.S. has increased from 1 to 3 classes plus 6 Senior Marine classes growing

Italian – Irene Ciobo:

  • Taste of Opera – excursion Lyric Theatre to see "Tosca"  and study music, storyline, cultural references and historical content
  • Japanese – Tracey Somerville (services of assistant teachers from SJI International College
  • YAPs  - Laurie Adams Coordinator - Qld Youth Action Program (4th year – over 110 students been involved – 10 camps –hiked - South Stradbroke, Lamington National Park at O'Reilly's, Binna Burra, Tally Valley to Springbrook and down to Numinbah Valley, Carnarvon Gorge and historic mail route Night Cap Trail in N.S.W.
  • DAT Design and Technology  Peter Brose – rocket cars to paddle boats, CD racks, skateboard decks and dustpans, jewellery/planter boxes, bins
  • Scheherezade: The School Musical
  • Drama Festival - Director Rachel Basher: largest one of its kind in Australia –Senior entry "Vinegar Tom"– treatment of women during English Tudor times and the Witch Hunts of the day – challenging play

2004 IBIS - Principal's Thoughts…  Rob Stones

  • Creation positions "Head of Year" – vital leadership position
  • Success 7 students tackled "GUEST" program Griffith University Semester 1 –passing 1st Year University –students excelled – 2 High Distinctions, 3 distinctions and 2 credits
  • Commitment – Centre for Personal Excellence

Senior Schooling – Head of Department – Wayne Halford:

  • Thanks -Head of Year 12 Chris Stewart, G.O. Greg Cheshire support Year 12 cohort and QCS (Qld Core Skills) Test Staff  - excellent efforts - students preparation

P & C Association – President Bob Panter:

  • SSHS embraces students all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds –support to achieve personal excellence. School values relationship with whole school community
  • School offers pathways to employment- academic, industrial, commercial or agricultural avenues. Music, theatre, sport and now circus present both recreation and career opportunities
  •  Musical – Little Shop of Horrors – Rachel Basher (Director)
  •  Annual Events – Swimming Carnival, Slam the Dam Fun Run, Athletics Carnival – Sport Houses Bribie,Karragarra (for 4th year winner of all 3 carnivals) Moreton and Stradbroke

2005 YEARBOOK –Principal's Thoughts … Rob Stones

  • Focus on the positive and slowly raise the bar. (1) Make a big deal out of good and little stuff that you want      consistently (2) under-criticise, punish and discipline less than is expected, people will not forget and usually     will not repeat. On life journey of each young person – encourage and reinforce success – celebrate milestone
  • Deputy Principal – Kym Dickson
    Overseas exchange to India – Dephi Public School –Mrs Kumar amazed at space that SSHS students have      compared with students in India
    Mrs Meagher and 33 others to China – September holidays
  •  Acting Deputy Principal – Wayne Halford
    New programs based around 'social skilling' –to support some Year 8 and 9 with social needs and put in place mentoring system for direct contact with support staff
  •  The Responsible Thinking Classroom – Mrs Maree Bell Director
    R.T.C introduced 1998 to provide disruption-free learning environment –students and teachers and support students experiencing behavioural problems in classes. Majority students never access R.T.C – small number Junior years spend time learning appropriate ways of dealing and interacting with teachers and fellow students
  •  Youth Health Nurse - Mrs Frances Colahan
    Guest speakers gave some pertinent suggestions about living happier and healthier life. Year 11 experienced lawyer from Youth Advocacy Centre about rights and what happens if violated
  • Youth Support Co-ordinator  - Tessa Chapman
    Support students having trouble remaining at school – developing and implementing PLAN and programs targeted at Year 9s looking at goals in education and life
  • Resource Centre – Mrs Carol Affleck Teacher-Librarian
    Has boost achievement in curriculum – reading and reading literacy – supporting staff and students – print, digital, robotic or models. Prudent buying and culling to achieve resource provision envied by many users at other schools
  • New carpet for library –gratitude student help to move items and then return. Library continues to be one of most heavily used buildings in school.


SSHS pioneered "Middle Phase of Learning" project for the State Government. The school also pioneered the "Green and Healthy School" program. Mrs Ward and the P and C totally reorganized the canteen's cuisine!

"Farm Fest" was a highlight of the year when their exhibits achieved a well-publicised "City" success over their many country rivals. This year the Film and TV students filmed lots of our activities including the animal nursery at the Gold Coast show. The nursery presented a menagerie which included an Ostrich!

The 2006 musical was written by a staff member Rachel Parrett, Oztraya! This was a comical extravaganza which featured songs from Australian rock legends which fitted in to a BBQ theme. Brilliant choreography in contemporary styles as well as jazz, was very special.

This year students attended the Model United Nations Assembly which was sponsored by the Rotary Organisation. Students felt that the whole experience was very insightful and they enjoyed interacting with student from many other schools. One of the students Kristin van Saldern was selected to be in the only Queensland Team to go to Canberra for the National MUNA.

The Gifted and talented students in the special program for years 8, 9 and 10 students were encouraged to challenge themselves in individual and group tasks.


New buildings were constructed. The first to come was the Automotive and Construction facility. Work also began on the Enterprise Centre which would later, by 2008, provide new direction for Catering and Hospitality students with facilities such as Industrial style kitchens.  Also Health Education was housed in the building and a Convention facility and Coffee shop was in the mix. The farm acquired a new food processing facility.

The school welcomed its first onsite Chaplain to the school and also a Smith Family office at the school. This further demonstrates the caring and supportive nature of services offered for student welfare.

Also introduced this year was a larger suite of vocational programs to academic and personal experience programs.

A trip to Vietnam organised by Mrs Bella Meagher visited several UNESCO World heritage sites; cities from North to South. A highlight was a visit to the Australian War Memorial at Long Tan.

A successful 90th year reunion was organized by Elizabeth Maradeen and the ALUMNI's committee. Old friends shared memories and new one were made.

The SEU won Champion school at the Gold Coast Rec and Sports Athletic carnival and they also won first place in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod Song and Dance!  Many of the SEU students obtained Work experience placements. There were excursions and community outings but a visit by Scott Sattler from the Gold Coast Rugby league team was a real thrill.

The Musical this year was the very unusual and very funny, Alice in Wonderland which embraced the Pantomime style. Audiences loved the "twisted nature" of the presentation of the much loved Lewis Carroll classic.


The School focused forward and saw the "Future leaders" pathway to leadership of self, discovery of purpose and passion. The Program was launched with inspirational speakers and presenters Glen Gerryn and Keith Abrahams who were past students. This was designed to help more of Southport's students to "dream large and passionate dreams and to take action to fulfil them" as the Principal Mr Stones wrote in IBIS.

The Design and technology students attended a Building and Construction Expo at Robina. The Seniors built a 15 metre internal wall upstairs in the Administrative Building to provide a larger meeting room! 

Some year 9 and 10 students won a Griffith Science and Engineering challenge "Gold Fever" Bridge construction and testing, showing budding structural engineers in the making.

Marine Studies and Marine Aquatic Practices was growing and developing. Boating practice and excursions were conducted along Broadwater Slipping Sands- North Stradbroke Island. Year 11 Biology students participated in an overnight excursion to Hastings Point which studied human impact on rocky foreshore ecosystems. 

The annual ski trip visited Perisher which is part of the Kosciuszko National Park. There was a big dump of snow which enabled 'better boarding and skiing' which caused lots of fun, laughter and tumbles but it was cold!

The Wiz exploded on to the stage as the year's musical. It was full of brilliant entertainers, amazing costumes and makeup plus weird and wonderful creatures. The musical featured the talents of Mr Trevor Love as the Wiz in his final year at Southport High, both as student and teacher.


The Enterprise Centre, a very modern building, was opened with the cutting of a giant ribbon. A performance by Adrienne Kenafake with her acrobatic "silks", enthralled the crowd. There was also fantastic food created in the new kitchens by the catering and hospitality students. This new centre offers the chance in new directions in Food technology and Catering courses.

Agricultural Studies saw SSHS recognised as a serious contender in the beef cattle arena. Past student Matthew Haynes allowed SHS to show one of his bulls and was awarded 3rd place at the Brisbane Ekka. New gardens with plant propagation shade house were redesigned and renovated. Compost and soil bins were constructed and new irrigation systems installed, which produced a successful harvest of an assortment of vegetables.

This year also saw the resurgence of Art Education culminating in a successful Art Expo. 

Drama students enjoyed success once again at the Gold Coast Secondary Schools' drama Festival. They also enjoyed and exciting performance from ZEN ZEN ZO, a specialty physical theatrical company. Mr James Andersen was Artist in Residence, a new concept for SSHS.

The Queensland Premier, the Hon. Anna Bligh and Cabinet held the first ever Community Cabinet at the school. A former student, Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane was a guest in the school's leadership program.

Mr Rob Stones retired as Principal and was farewelled after nine years at the helm.


Mr Steve McLuckie was appointed as the new Principal. 

The School began to look physically very different. The Discovery Centre for Science was built, providing 2 new science labs and 2 computer labs with two new fully equipped computer labs. Staffrooms were upgraded, Basketball courts were improved and the Tennis Centre opened, giving a fantastic new sports facility for both students and the public alike.  The school grounds were given a facelift with new plantings in the quadrangle and better pathways around the school were constructed. Financial assistance for this work was given by Local Member Mr Peter Lawlor and local Gold Coast Councillor Mrs Dawn Critchlow

Sadly, the Art Block was once again the victim of an arson attack and was destroyed. This caused a heartbreaking loss of student work and valuable equipment.  The old C and D blocks and Home Economics buildings were demolished for structural reasons! One of the buildings was a pre-fab structure left over from British WW2 stock and located at the site in the late 50's. At one time it served as the administration block and also almost burnt down! The removal of these buildings created open space at the Smith Street frontage.

Teaching and Learning improvements were attained across all levels of the curriculum. SSHS joined the Literacy and Numeracy national partnership to improve students' achievements and to support teachers to develop and enhance skills.  

As Mr McLuckie commented about the happenings around the school in the newly renamed Yearbook, Reflections, "If you blink, you will miss it".

Last reviewed 29 May 2020
Last updated 29 May 2020