Fact Sheet – 1980's
1980: Notes from SSHS Magazine
- Principal – Mr. Proctor; Deputy – Mr. K. T. Bowden; Senior Mistress – Miss A. Hansford;
- Principal draws attention to LONG list of VARIED activities (including Garden and Grounds Development amidst extra-curricular hobbies) available at SSHS – countering excuses of misbehaving students who claim there is "Nothing to do";
- Introduction of Year 8 Block and team of teachers especially interested in this grade;
- Home Economics preparation of table spread for Grade 12 Formal Dinner – Creme of Mushroom Soup, Lemon Chicken, Champagne Sorbet;
- School Orchestra played at parade and a Premier performance, led by Ron Carr;
- Stamp Club celebrated National Stamp Week with display attracting keen interest;
- Ongoing annual Geography Trips and visits by Exchange Students;
- Commonwealth Games Project: With Gold Coast one of principle dormitory areas for 1982 Brisbane games, SSHS Grade 12 Geography students investigated G C Highway from Helensvale to Loders Creek and submitted recommendations , to the Commonwealth Games Foundation, for beautification of buildings, landscape, roads and signs;
- Greg Stolz (11A2) "My Brilliant Career" essay winner ; comedic-puppeteer Peter Reitenback (9A2) made four televisions appearances – Wombat, Stairway to the Stars, The Have-a-go Show, Safeway New Faces;
- Student Council effected building and grounds improvements, annual achievement book in library, designed alternate girls' winter uniform;
- Re-introduction of Sport House System: Bribie, Karragarra, Moreton, Stradbroke;
- Tuckshop Convenor: Barb Ward;
- Mothers' Help Reading Scheme, introduced into Year 8 level;
- Agriculture part of school's life
1981 Principal – Mr. R.W. Proctor -Highlights - SHSS Magazine
- Growth to 1250 students expected for 1981 (despite building 5 other high schools on the Gold Coast) – influx of interstate and overseas immigrants;
- 11 secondary schools in total on the Gold Coast, mostly large in enrolment;
- Staff and students saddened by death of English Teacher, Mrs Ann Jackson; park at Paradise Point named in her honour;
- New holiday scheme;
- Senior badges to all Year 12 students;
- Monday evening school news radio broadcasts on Radio 2MW (97.2), Tweed Radio/Murwillumbah;
- Radio 4SH, on SSHS campus, 4 days weekly, during lunch hours; Brian Morpeth (9A2), Rodney Schmidt (11A4);
- Chess competitions;
- Swimming Carnival at Southport Olympic Pool – 27 new school records set!
- Annual Surf Carnival at Main Beach, student judges;
- Work Experience: 170 students from Years 10,11,12, participated in one of largest work-experience programmes conducted in Qld. secondary schools; Co-ordinated by Deputy Principal Mr Bowden;
- Year 8 Camp – Neranwood;
- Southport High's Rugby Union team earned a premiership flag in Saturday competition;
- 9 SSHS students gained "Distinctions" in Australian Mathematics Competition;
- Year 12 student Terry Poole won state-wide art contest;
- P&C purchased 1981 School Captains' blazers;
- Fun Run Format for Cross Country; first time results calculated on school computers;
- International Year of Disabled Persons: student-written play "Breaking Down the Barriers" performed during GC Secondary Schools Drama Festival;
- Student Social Committee fundraised - Deluxe Home Gym (athletes, swimmers, footballers) and subsidizing sporting representatives and towards computers - general school use;
- 3rd Annual Miss Southport High – Over $5000 raised toward computers and "games of strategy and reasoning" for students in the library;
- Drama; Debating; Film Making;
- P&C contributed over $7000 toward computers and establishing SSHS computer centre;
- Annual Athletics Carnival

1982: Highlights - SSHS Magazine
- Mr Proctor suffered a heart attack during summer break; subsequently, he entered retirement
- New Principal: Mr. A. Evans
- Broad range of sports on offer at SSHS;
- "Combined Schools Big Band" (SSHS students and band members from surrounding schools), played popular tunes and show tunes, e.g. "Theme from Mash" and "Peter Gunn";
- P&C: Applied pressure on Govt. Dept's and politicians for facilities, plus Fundraised (via fete, Miss Southport, tuckshop) toward upgrading playing fields, 2 video recorders, a port-a-pack camera, 8 computers AND completed last Assembly Hall repayment!
- Annual Musical – Pinke Zinke
1983: Principal's Report Mr A.M Evans – IBIS
- Renaming of annual school magazine to IBIS –" IBIS 1983 .....The ibis now seem an integral part of the school and provides us with a catchy and easily remembered name..."
- Principal: Mr A. M. Evans – comments on tension for education being expected to cover "widening social skills" and/or maintain strong coverage of the "3 r's";
- Science Staff's Report in IBIS:
Our aims are purely academic
Our methods are sure and sound
And when it comes to exam time
It's noses to the 'ground'!
- In Agriculture, introduction of Agricultural Mechanics Course;
- Library – shift from traditional use to that of a Resource Centre;
- Exchange student from Japan;
- Year 12 Leadership Camp at Maroon Dam;
- Transitional Education Programme established for Year 10's not undertaking formal academic studies in Year 11 but wishing enrich themselves in career-orientated school curriculum while awaiting employment;
- Student literary and artistic contributions featured in annual school magazine;
- Participation in – National Chemistry Quiz; Australian Law Society Public Speaking Contest; Drug Arm Poster contest in King George Square, Brisbane; Tropicarnival Festival; Gold Coast Modern Language Poetry Speaking; and ............... ;
- Combined Schools Big Band weeklong camp at Shannon Memorial Park, near Toowoomba, including a concert for Centenary Heights High School;
- I. S. C. F. (Inter-school Christian Fellowship) group on campus;
- Southport High Personality of the Year – First opportunity for boys to enter the quest as contestants;
- Open Day: Minister for Mines and Energy, Mr Ivan Gibbs, presented awards to two senior students for outstanding contributions to school;
- Speech Night – The Mrs Ann Jackson Memorial Prize (communication) awarded to Donna Matulis and the Rose Wilkinson Music Award won by Denis Roche and Donna Matulis.
1984: Principal – Mr A. Evans - IBIS
- Growth – enrolment approaching 600; new facilities in Manual Arts and Music; extensive curriculum development;
- Introduction of Agriculture, Keyboard Skills and Computer Awareness to Year 8;
- Involvement of senior school with TAFE;
- SSHS Band – 6 day tour of outback Queensland;
- School Musical – "Music Rules OK";
- P&C: Thoughts toward building a pool in near future; Providing $700+ for all students to be covered by Ambulance Scheme during school hours
1985: Highlights - IBIS
- Principal Mr. Evans; Deputies Mr. Dux and Mr. Hodgkinson; Senior Mistress Mrs. Dawson;
- Dance Department;
- Commencement construction of SSHS swimming pool – 8 lane, 25 metre – hoped to be completed by New Year;
- Swing Choir added to school's musical activities;
- School Musical – "Sheik, Rattle and Roll";
- Very active P& C including Parents' Social Club meeting monthly;
- Kombumerri Karnival held - part Tropicarnival Gold Coast Festival
1986: Principal's Report Mr A.Evans - IBIS
- Student population dropped to more manageable level...relieving pressure on facilities and staff...allowing us to concentrate more on the caring aspects of education....";
- P&C: Completion of swimming pool complex( swimming club established, meeting each Friday afternoon); Updating Assembly Hall – new sound system, replacement of stage and window curtains; Fitting of up-to date Intercom System throughout school; landscaping around pool, including outdoor stage area outside Music Block; purchase groundsman's tractor/mower; Friday night "Southport High Carnival '86" led by Mr Gary Doornbos;
- Teacher Bella Meagher initiated SSHS tours to China;
- Swimming Carnival still held at Southport Olympic Pool at this stage
1987: Principal's Report – Mr A.Evans - IBIS
- February 28, "christening" of SSHS pool when "first swimming carnival was held in our own pool";
- Completion of Marine Studies Project facility;
- First ET (Eight-Twelves) Programme for SSHS, to help Year 8s adjust to high school system;
- SSHS students won 1st prize Gold Coast Secondary Schools poetry competition with booklet "Tambaroora";
- School Musical "Grease";
- Gary Doornbos led "Tambaroora Carnival", October '87;
- Sports Night – "We are the Champions" – Eight premierships won by SSHS this winter; "Coming of age of Southport High as a force in high school sport on the Gold Coast"
1988: Acting Principal Mr J.A. Corbett - IBIS
- Extended absence of Mr. Evans, Acting Inspector of Schools in '88;
- Marine Studies Course introduced; Official Opening Marine Studies Unit, October '88;
- Year 12 students raised funds via a "Bi-Centennial Bash" dance to commemorate 1988 and support a Bicentennial Time Capsule Project;
- Opening of Expo 88 - big event for our Big Band Orchestra, in addition to annual tour, "We Had – The Time of our Lives";
- Year 12 common room acquired;
- Cultural Exchange Trip to Japan and Inami High - by 27 SSHS students, led by Principal Coombabah High Mr Bowden and his wife/SSHS teacher Mrs Bowden;
- Resource Centre reported: "This year we moved into the Electronic Age! ...... an electronic Encyclopedia ....students now have use of a President Turbo Computer with CD-Rom and the Grolia Electronic Encyclopedia, together with the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology."
- Teachers Steve Harriot and Peter Hannon propose 3 stage re-development of lower oval into first class athletic facility;
- P&C President Barry Lang acknowledges support of local MP Tom Hynd MLA , following excellent work previously extended to SSHS by late Doug Jennings MLA; Mr Laing also cautioned against reliance on Government funding and urged parents to get in and help;
- School Musical: The Wiz;
- Senior Formal to be held at "The Centre";
- Teacher Mr Hannan – Queensland Coach of the Year Award
1989: Principal's Message – Mr Terry Callaghan – IBIS
- New Principal – Mr Terry Callaghan - encouraged students to value their uniqueness and with it, contribute to society at local, national or international level;
- Deputy –John Corbett; Senior Mistress Olive Dawson; P&C President – Barry Laing;
- Enrolment 975 students;
- "The environment" topical with young people – centre pages of the 1989 IBIS printed on recycled paper - and SSHS students involved in a Rain Forest plot and other landscaping projects;
- 1989 educators and students profoundly affected by the movie "Dead Poets Society" and the concept of "Seize the Day";
- School Development Plan Committee – working on detailed plan of school objectives for the next 3 years;
- Teacher of German, Mrs Chris Wheldon offered a Goethe Institute Scholarship;
- Information Processing and Technology (IPT) introduced as a Board Subject Course; Education Department provided 6 'AT' style computers ( each with 20MB hard drives), software, printer and a Datashow which projects computer screen through an Overhead Projector);
- Human Relationships Education Course to be introduced into Year 11, Semester One, 1990
- Committee formed of school administration, teachers, students, parents, community members and representatives from the church to prepare a programme suiting needs of students at Southport High;
- Class of four SSHS Year 11 German Language students (along with students from Benowa and Merrimac State High Schools) trialling Telelearning; use of headphones, computers, facsimilie machines and overhead projectors, allowing teacher at one school to teach students at another school;
- Girl Captain Lara Flanagan won Queensland "Plain English Speaking Contest"; Year 12 Master, Ron C Pearson, added "The address given by Lara at the inauguration of Prefects Ceremony was the best speech I have ever heard delivered at any level";
- Mr Pearson, who guided a cohort of Year 8's right through to their Year 12, prepared for his own retirement and their graduation with these parting words: "To all Year 12's may I ask that you remember, and do a couple of things: (i) Never do your second or third best; (ii) S.B. and S.L.; (iii) S.B. and S.W. and S.L.; 'Don't Worry – Be Happy.'"
- School Musical – "Bye Bye Birdie";
- Student Teachers on campus