
Creative Arts Excellence


​​​​​​​The Creative Arts Excellence Program at Southport State High School is focused on nurturing and generating creativity in students through extension-based learning and performance opportunities designed to foster their curiosity and promote their personal growth and development.

The willingness to take considered risks and to experiment is central to the creative process of the arts. In the Creative Arts Excellence Program, students gain the confidence to experiment with the process of creation and design through project-based assessments and class work designed to extend their learning and capabilities as a performer or artist. Students also regularly benefit from valuable learning and performance opportunities outside of the classroom through representation at Dramafest, Gold Coast Eisteddfod, Starbound Eisteddfod and participation at festivals and events, specialist workshops with industry professionals, excursions, school productions and musical showcases. 

Prospective students applying for entry into the Creative Arts Excellence Program may choose from any of the five individual programs offered and are welcome to apply for more than one strand.

Programs offered in Creative Arts Excellence include:


In the Drama Excellence Program, students apply their study through the practice of scriptwriting, acting and developing their role as a director. As part of their annual assessment, students create a dramatic production which they enter into a regional drama festival competition. In recent years, students from Southport State High School have achieved wonderful results, including Best Dramatic Performance and Runner Up Best Play, as well as several Best Actor awards for individual students. 

Music (Instrument and Voice)

Students in the Music Excellence Program benefit from external performance opportunities at festivals and events, as well as engaging with industry professionals and professional partnerships such as the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. Learning extension opportunities are provided through music camp, eisteddfod performances, musical showcases, workshops and many other performance-based opportunities purposely designed to develop and extend their musicianship.

Visual Art

To complement the theory learned in Visual Art Excellence, students engage with professional artists and practitioners to hone their artistic skills and create significant artworks with meaning. Students have the opportunity to learn from artists in residence as they prepare their artwork for assessment and entry into local art competitions and galleries.

Musical Theatre

Southport State High School is the only school on the Gold Coast to offer the subject of Musical Theatre. The Musical Theatre Excellence Program is a production course that prepares students for industry entrance as they are coached in the three discipline areas of dance, drama and singing. Students can continue this production course throughout senior secondary where they will complete a Certificate 4 in Performing Arts.


Students in Dance Excellence learn dance performance and choreography as well as a written component involving the analysis, description and justification of dance performances. Students have the opportunity to creatively choregraph works as a solo artist as well as in a group context. This experience not only promotes their creative talents, but assists with building 21st century skills such as communication, cooperation, leadership and innovation. Dance Excellence students perform at competitions such as the Gold Coast Eisteddfod and Starbound Eisteddfod and also benefit from workshops with industry professionals. Students in Years 7 - 12 regularly collaborate through participation in various school-based dance ensembles, where they refine their technique in the genres of lyrical, hip hop and contemporary.


How to Apply:

  • ​Read the Excellence Programs 2026 Application Guide to familiarise yourself with all of the requirements of entry into the Creative Arts Excellence Program.
  • Read the Powerpoint 'Creative Arts Excellence Audition Information' for more information, examples, tips and tricks!
  • ​​​Complete and submit the Creative Arts Excellence Program application form by Wednesday 26th February 2025, along with the required supporting documentation:
    • ​Last two semester school reports;
    • ​​Most recent NAPLAN results.
  • If you reside out of the school catchment area, a $100 non-refundable out of catchment fee is payable upon application. The preferred method of payment is via the QKR app.
  • ​​After submitting your written application, all applicants are required to attend an audition. For details, refer to the important dates section below.

Important Dates:

Tuesday 18th February 2025

Round 1 applications open

Wednesday 26th February 2025

Excellence Programs Year 7 2026 Round 1 applications close.

Please ensure applications are received no later than 3.30pm on this day.

Week beginning 17th March 2025

Creative Arts Excellence Program auditions (see Excellence Programs Application Guide for details)



The Creative Arts Excellence Program is $180 per strand, per year (non-refundable). Standard school enrolment fees apply. The preferred method of payment is via the QKR app.



Creative Arts Excellence Application

Excellence Programs 2026 Application Guide

Creative Arts Excellence Audition Information PowerPoint

Last reviewed 12 March 2025
Last updated 12 March 2025