Thank you for donating to the Southport State High School P&C Association Building Fund. Your generosity supports the Southport State High School P&C Association Funds’s mission to provide world class opportunities and facilities at Southport State High School. All gifts, large or small, are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged on the Southport State High School P&C Association Fund website and in our annual report. In addition, donors who contribute $5,000 or more are invited to become Foundation Members.
Donate now
The easiest way to donate is by using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) below via;
(If you require a receipt, please ensure you provide your first and last name in the description)
(If you prefer to remain anonymous, please put "anonymous" in the payment description)
Cheques can be made payable to the SSHS P&C Association Building Fund Account
Payroll deduction for employees of the School through the SSHS Payments Office
A pledge to give instalments over time by contacting the SSHS P&C Foundation Office
For more information, please contact the SSHS P&C Association Fund office on +61 (7) 5509 1222 or at
All donations over $2 to the SSHS P&C building fund are tax-deductible.