Gold Coast Secondary Schools Drama Festival

The Gold Coast Secondary Schools Drama Festival is an annual event that allows students to showcase their Drama skills at a district level. It foster’s and acknowledges excellence in dramatic performances by Secondary School students throughout the Gold Coast region in an atmosphere of friendly competition.
Each and every year Southport State High School enters Drama Festival. The festival permits schools to enter a One Act Play within the three divisions of competition:
- Junior Section (Years 7 and 8)
- Intermediate Section (Years 9 and 10)
- Senior Section (Years 11 and 12)
These plays are performed over nine evenings throughout the month of August and are adjudicated by three highly regarded industry professionals. With over 20 Gold Coast Schools entering, 650 students performing and 2000 theatre enthusiasts watching, Drama Festival is an sensational competition to be apart of.

Southport has achieved successful results in the Gold Coast Secondary Schools Drama Festival, with many of our student actors and student directors going on to pursue a career in the Performing Arts industry.