Compass is a school
management solution that allows parents and carers to access up-to-date
and meaningful information about your school and your child’s progress.
Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:
- Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
- Communicate with your child’s teachers
- View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
- Download and view your child’s academic reports
- Book parent-teacher conferences
- Pay and provide consent for events and school fees
- Order student photos
Our Compass guide for parents and families can be accessed here.
Compass App
Our Compass Education app is now available from the Apple store as a free download. It's also available for Android devices and can be downloaded from the Google play store.
If you go directly to the Apple store or Google play store, search for "Compass School Manager".
The app gives parents, students and community members access to information about events and activities at the school with the convenience that their personal device offers. News and events will be updated regularly to ensure that the information provided is both current and relevant.
- Has sport been cancelled due to bad weather? The notice section of the app will tell you.
- Need to check on the venue and start time of Awards Night? The calendar in the app will hold this information.
You choose what information you want to receive
One of the features of the app is that you can sign up for only those notices and events that interest you. They will be arranged in groups. So, if your child is in Year 7, you opt to receive only Junior Secondary School information and that's what you will get. The groups that are available for selection are listed in the app's settings page. There's also information in the Notices section of the app to assist you with setting up this feature.
Application support
We trust that you will enjoy the convenience provided by this app and welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have. If you would like assistance with the app or want to provide feedback, please contact IT staff by email or by phone (07) 5509 1225.